What Happens If You Hit a Car with Your 18 Wheeler?

According to the American Trucking Association, roughly 80,000 18-wheeler trucks travel over America’s roads every day. Because of the extreme size and weight of these vehicles, it’s not uncommon for them to get into accidents with other vehicles on the road, especially when they’re not moving as fast as passenger cars and trucks, which are more maneuverable. If you’ve been involved in an accident involving an 18-wheeler truck, your first question might be this: what happens if you hit a car with your 18 wheeler?

By Hiring best personal injury lawyer Houston for your accident you can be sure that you will recover maximum compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering.

Who is Liable for an 18-Wheeler Accident?

When two or more cars collide, it’s easy to figure out who is liable. The driver whose car was hit will likely have liability, but in other cases things can get tricky. For example, what if you swerve to avoid hitting another car and end up crashing into someone else’s vehicle? In that case, you may be at fault for damages even though you didn’t crash into another vehicle intentionally.

I Was Injured in an 18-Wheeler Crash, How Do I Get Paid Compensation?

The first step to getting compensated for your injury is by hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer. Personal Injury Lawyers know how trucking companies work, and can help you get fair compensation from your accident. They are also able to protect you from unreasonable settlement offers that don’t take into account all of your costs following a truck accident. In addition, if you were injured because of another person or company’s negligence, our 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer Houston will make sure that person or company pays for their wrongs.

I Have Damages from My Trucking Crash. How Do I Collect Recovery From the At Fault Party or Insurance Company?

As a trucker you should know that at times you can be subject to traffic accidents. These cases are not taken lightly as they have been known to lead to serious bodily injuries. For such occurrences, it is advised that you seek professional legal representation and advice from an experienced truck accident attorney. If you have been injured in an accident involving trucks and need representation, call us today for legal advice.

Was it My Fault That My Truck Crashed into Something Else?

The short answer is yes. The truck driver is almost always at fault when he or she is involved in an accident. It doesn’t matter whether you are going 2 miles per hour and another car jumps in front of you or if your brakes malfunctioned, causing you to run into something — you are responsible for what happens when your large truck gets behind the wheel. Of course, certain circumstances can change liability, but these are rare exceptions.

The Other Driver Did Not Report the Crash — Can I Still Get Paid Compensation?

Let’s say you’re driving your big rig and decide to take a shortcut through city streets. Another car suddenly cuts in front of you, forcing you to come to an abrupt stop. The other driver fails to stop and keeps going. He has hit your truck, but he fails to report it on his insurance claim. This means there is no police report or any other written documentation about what happened. So what do you do next? Is there anything you can do? The answer is yes. There are several things that can be done to get compensation for damages caused by another driver who failed to report an accident involving your truck. First, contact a lawyer who specializes in these types of cases immediately after filing your own claim with your insurance company (if you have one). An best houston personal injury lawyer will be able to help determine if you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver.

Which Insurance Company Pays Out After an 18-Wheeler Crash Injury Case — My Trucking Company Or Theirs?

In an injury lawsuit, it doesn’t matter who caused your accident or wreck. The real question is which insurance company will pay out in your case. Did you hit someone else’s car and are you suing them for medical bills and lost wages? Did they hit you and are they suing you to cover their costs? Or did neither of you have insurance, meaning both of your vehicles were totaled in an accident that wasn’t your fault.

Can My Lawyer Take a Fee if I Win my Case After An 18-Wheeler Truck Wreck Case?

You may have heard on TV that lawyer’s can and do take fees from clients if they win cases in court. But what happens if you hit a car with your 18-wheeler truck and want to hire an attorney for your case. Can you still hire an attorney, or does your accident case have to be turned over to an insurance company because you got into an accident involving a commercial vehicle? In Texas, there are strict laws that are followed if you get into such an accident.

Moreover, the insurance companies always try to settle the accident case at lower price. You can contact Houston Car Crash for fighting your 18 wheeler truck accident case anytime.

One of the biggest dangers faced by truck drivers on the road is that of being involved in an accident with another vehicle, especially if that vehicle happens to be smaller than their own. 18 wheelers are massive and can cause incredible damage to other vehicles when they collide, and even worse, the sheer size of these trucks makes it extremely difficult to drive safely around them, so sometimes accidents do happen despite the driver’s best efforts to avoid them. Call us today to schedule an appointment today!

Author: Houston Crash Car

Our personal injury lawyers in Houston have spent years navigating the complexities of negligent accidents, slip and fall accidents, and professional negligence – effectively defending people all across Texas. Schedule a free consultation today!

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